The largest, oldest, and most massive organism in the entire world a clonal colony of aspen trees in the middle of Utah. His name is Pando.
Pando is a forest of trees that all have identical DNA and have been cloning it up in Utah for over 10,000 years. In 2017 I was lucky enough to get to visit the forest, but when I got there, there was nothing to indicate I was anywhere special. No signs, no landmark, nothing but a piece of paper taped to a desk.
When I got home I emailed the forest service asking why there wasn't more information about Pando at the park. Things spiraled from there and the next thing you know, I'm working with the National Forest Service and certified tree experts to help conserve this ecological phenomenon.
I wrote and hosted this 8-minute video, which has since been turned into a 30-minute minidoc. I'm very proud to report Pando was granted first-ever educational signage in the summer of '19.
Working with the folks at Pando was an incredible education in working with and producing upon public lands. It forced me learn a great amount in a short time about fundraising, project budgeting, scheduling *all meetings* in Mountain Time, drone operation and the brand standards for National Parks in the United States.
This project was directed, shot, and edited by the inimitable Kyle Niemer.